• Online Laparoscopy Course

    Online Laparoscopy Course

    Brand new fully online curriculum
  • Your surgical journey begins here

    Your surgical journey begins here

    Join us on one of our multiple courses
  • Endometriosis Masterclass

    Endometriosis Masterclass

    Two days hands on and theory. Taught by the experts
  • Laparoscopy Modular Course

    Laparoscopy Modular Course

    Spring 2024
  • Modular Diploma in Laparoscopy: Lagos, Nigeria

    Modular Diploma in Laparoscopy: Lagos, Nigeria

    Online, Virtual and Hands-on Training in Lagos, Nigeria
  • Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Course

    Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Course

    1 day hands-on training, high fidelity hysterectomy models
  • Hysteroscopy Course

    Hysteroscopy Course

    Theory and hands on, basic to advanced
  • CCMIG Bespoke Laparoscopy Trainer

    CCMIG Bespoke Laparoscopy Trainer

    See our bespoke Simulator for use in our Online Courses and continued development

Select One Of Our Multiple Courses

The Chelsea Centre for Minimal Invasive Gynaecology offers laparoscopic training courses in London, Online & Internationally. Courses without dates will be announced shortly, please enquire to express your interest and see the individual course pages for details.

Checkout issues? Book here.

CCMIG Courses

Follow our full online curriculum from wherever you are in UK or internationally. The CCMIG Online Laparoscopy Course takes trainees through a modular stepwise curriculum from key principles and basic proprioception to performing laparoscopic suturing and hysterectomy. Each module has assignments, which must be completed prior to progression to ensure consistent good quality training. Assignments will be graded and feedback given by the CCMIG Faculty. One off course fee of £150 on registration. The online course does not include a laparoscopic simulator, the CCMIG Laparoscopy Simulator is available for purchase as part of this course with domestic and international shipping. More Info 



CCMIG Laparoscopy Trainer

For use in our Laparoscopic Modular Course; Online Course; or available to purchase if attending any of our hands on courses.
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More Info

Our hands-on Courses Have Returned!

We are very grateful for your patience throughout the pandemic and we are thrilled that our full programme of hands on courses has resumed. Our Courses 

Our courses are returning! Each of our hands-on courses have now been successfully held with social distancing in place and we are thrilled to announce our new course programme from Spring 2022.

Chelsea Centre for Minimal Invasive Gynaecology (CCMIG) provides some of the most innovative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy training courses.

Courses are taught and supervised in London, Online and Internationally by highly experienced laparoscopic consultants.

Our aim is to bring the best out of tomorrows surgeons by providing leading medical training courses.

To learn more about the various medical training courses we have available please view our courses page seen here.

The Faculty

Our highly experienced medical expert lecturers are leaders in their field who have been training surgeons within the United Kingdom and globally for many years

Robert Richardson

CCMIG Director - Consultant Endometriosis
Leading the Endometriosis and Rapid access services, Gynaecology - Laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery including out patient hysteroscopy

Amer Raza

CCMIG Director - Consultant Obstetrican & Gynaecologist
Mr Raza is a consultant Gynaecologist with specialist interest in minimal access surgery. He completed his specialty training in the West Midlands and London deaneries.



View some partners and sponsors who make our London, e-learning and international medical training courses possible.

Applied Medical
Megzus Digital